Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Permissions revisited

I have spent the better part of the day trying to get the permissions tweaked so that everyone has what they need.  I basically need 3-4 types of users.

1. Service coordinator - Simple access to see if machines are on-line. No interactive use.

2. Technician - general ability to work on machines through the machine interface or remote control.  They should also have the ability to view monitors.

3. Labtech "basic" admin? - Ability to create/edit monitor sets, groups, alerts, etc.  (no user LT administration).  Admin permissions to *almost* all groups (restrict access to internal company PC's and servers)

4. Super-admin.  - As the names implies, all access.

1, 2 and 4 seem to be ok.  I cannot seem to get #3 accomplished.  It appears that I need to give super-admin access to my RMM manager team to get some of this accomplished. 

I was told by support that to view the searches you need to have super-admin rights.  I must not understand the design intent of the searches if you need to be a super-admin to view them.  I might assume that the searches are solely for populating groups which would make sense then.

I am still waiting on a response to find out how to get #2 & #3 to see the monitors.



  1. Several hours later still haven't gotten anywhere with this. Either the security is more complex than I thought or it isn't nearly flexible enough. A final possibility is that I just don't get it.

  2. Update: I did get a response from Kevin at LT. He says that what I want to do cannot be done in 2.5, but after talking to the developers, it 99% sure that it will be possible in 3.0. He asked for some clarification and will be getting back to me.
