Monday, April 12, 2010

Bill Morgan rocks!

I asked our rep (Gregg) if we could talk to someone prior to our training to help us with a few issues that we were struggling with.  He setup a 1 hour call for me with Bill Morgan.  I'd have to say that was one of the most productve hours I have ever had with a vendor.  I had already *baically* figured out the security, but Bill showed me how to manage the permissions using the "view permissions" and the "effective permissions" in the user setup.

Bill helped me with a number of other items, some of which I have commented on in other posts, but here are some others.

1. Connectwise Import returned nothing.  I had the integrator login access level set to 'Only creted by integrator' instead of 'All records'

2. The tool deployments were not working.  No matter which tool I tried to deploy (CCleaner for instance), I received a log entry of 'Could not transfer file /transfer/filename'.  Bill quickly identified the source of the issue which was a missing virtual directory in IIS called transfer.  He did tell me that it wasn't something I missed in the setup, but an issue that occured at times where the installer failed to create the directory.  It tool him 30 seconds to correct. it.

3. Explained to me how to change the display name of a machine.  In kaseya, we would frequently change the names of agents when they were oddball OEM machine names.  It was not obvious at all how to accomplish this in Labtech.  He showed me that by adding a 'Friendly Name' under the Info tab it would now be displayed properly.

There were a number of other items that I can't recall now, but the only thing he answered that I didn't want to hear was how techs change their passwords in Labtech.  The answer is that they don't, the administrator does.  He did throw in the words "for now", so I assume that this might be a future enhancement.

So Bill gets a virtual high five from me today.  Thanks Bill!

1 comment:

  1. The changing of "friendly" names I didn't know about. thanks for sharing!
