Friday, May 7, 2010

SNMP Traps - I should have RTFW

So I setup a time to work with Kevin from Labtech on the SNMP trap thing.  Given my struggles with it in the past I chose to do nothing with it until I spoke to Kevin.  I got on the phone with Kevin and he walked me through adding an entry under the SNMP traps section of a machine configured as a probe.  For the test, we created an entry that would accept ANY OID from ANY host matching ANYTHING.  Kevin explained that a currect "limitation" is that the alert you get is limited to an email to the alert contact for that location.

Then we were done with the seteup.

I was a little shocked that it was that simple.  I really should have RTFW on SNMP traps.  It is a single page and there is a good reason why it is that short. Labtech SNMP traps WIKI page

I let Kevin off the phone and did some testing and it worked! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, David,

    I think the article you are referring to above was moved to:

