Wednesday, July 21, 2010

SNMP Continued

So the SNMP stuff was cruising along until we hit another little snag.  We ran into an issue where the system that we had the agent/probe installed had a conflict on port 69 for TFTP.  The problem was that the LabTech agent internal TFTP server would run before the systems TFTP server effectively preventing the system TFTP server from starting.  This was only an issue when the endpoints for the system (this happens to be a VoIP system) needed to refresh their configurations.  Since they used TFTP to get the updates, it would fail since the LabTech TFTP server had nothing for them.

The bad news *was* that we could not change or disable that in the LT agent.  I spoke to Kevin at LT about the issue a few weeks ago.  I spoke to Kevin and a couple other guys yesterday and they informed me tha the next maintenance release will include the ability to disable these via a registry setting!  Since we don't need those particular services for anything we are doing on the box it will be a perfect solution for us.  So now we are back in business (or at least when the update is released which should be very soon).